Matt DiPietro FAQ

Frequently asked Questions

General Questions

  • Will I need to bring any supplies to take part in classes?

No, all supplies including paints, brushes, and practice figures will be provided for your use during the class. Students are welcome to bring their own kit but it is not required in any way.

  • Will tickets and all access passes be available for purchase once I have boarded the cruise?

Yes, we will strive to make purchases available during the cruise. However, if internet connectivity is interrupted during the trip we may be unable to complete card transactions. Bring cash if possible or order in advance to insure your ability to attend.

All Access Pass Questions

  • Can another person use my All Access Pass if I am unable to go to one of the classes?

No. Each All Access Pass is individualized and not transferable to another attendee. Other attendees should purchase classs tickets or thoer own pass to attend classes.

  • Where do I obtain my Pass?

Once you board the cruise you will want to find Matt to obtain your pass. You can find him at the meet and greet dinner or before your first class to obtain your pass.

  • When can I can I schedule my online coaching session with Matt and how is this handled?

You can schedule the online coaching session after the cruise is completed by contacting Matt by email at

  • What is contained in my special gift?

You special gift will contain stickers, a post card, and a miniature art print depicting Matt’s artwork.

Individual Class Tickets

  • Can another person use a class ticket that I’ve purchased?

Yes, the individual tickets are fully transferable. Just bring the ticket to the class you wish to attend.

  • Where do I pick up my tickets?

Once you board the cruise you will want to find Matt to obtain your tickets. You can find him at the meet and greet dinner or before your first class to obtain your ticket envelope.

  • Can I up grade my ticket purchase to an All Access Pass after purchase?

We will do our best to allow you to exchange tickets towards the cost of an All Access Pass. Contact Matt at the meet and greet dinner or before class to make the upgrade. You may want to bring cash to complete the transaction since it is unsure if we will have internet connectivity to complete card transactions.

  • Can I get a refund for unused tickets?

We are not anticipating providing refunds for unused tickets at this time

If you have additional unanswered questions feel free to direct them to Matt DiPietro through email at: